What's the best way to engrave a photo

Thank you, i will try.
Why $31 needs to be 0?

It’s the value that corresponds to a power output of zero.

When used with spindle controllers (which is what it’s originally intended for) it is used to map RPM values to the speed controller threshold. If I have a speed controller that spins my spindle from 5000 rpm to 15000 rpm, I would set $31=5000 and $30=15000.

Some people mistake it to mean the lowest PWM value to output, but it’s the other way around.

Thank you so much, i have already modified $120 and $121 (i doubled it) and it works much better. When i modified the $110 and $111 from 1000 to 6000, my stepper motors were making and weird noise :joy: and after few movements from left->right and oposite, they stopped running (i thought that i burned them :joy:) and i changed those settings back to 1000. But it works better with $120 and $121 at 120 instead of 30. Thank you again

The $110 and $111 values are the maximum speed for that axis. If you set them too high it could cause stalling because of the stepping rate limit of GRBL. You can try 2000, or 1500, or 2500 - you won’t damage the machine with those settings, and can always put them back if the steppers skip. Because of the maximum GRBL stepping rate, the maximum number might be 1125. (I do not own this machine to test this, so I’m just doing the math on a calculator)

that was my first thought…that i can damage the motors or the electronic board, so if you say so I will definetly try to change those settings, thank you

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