When using lightburn software to carve patterns, err20 pops up, please ask what is the reason?

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Maybe this helps


No explanation for ERR22

See here:

Error 22 : Undefined feed rate (Feed rate has not yet been set or is undefined)

It will happen if you send a G1 command and omit the required feed rate. For example:

G1 X30 Y30

instead of

G1 X30 Y30 F2000


G1 X30 Y30

Perhaps it’s due to having the wrong device selected: LightBurn is generating G-Code for a controller that’s not in the machine.

If so, following the steps listed in the doc linked by @parsec will help resolve the problem.

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Are you connected to your laser by WIFI ?

Try using a USB cable instead (set up a new device in LightBurn and configure it to use a ‘Serial/USB’ connection;


I have noticed that it is more common to see errors 20 & 22 when connected wirelessly.

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