Where to install camera

Hi All, i am very new to the laser world and i am learning it all as i go along.

One thing i want to do is install a camera to ensure that i can minimise wastage of material. I have an omtech 1060R and im not too sure where i would position the laser as i cannot find an article that specifies the location.

Is it supposed to be mounted on the middle metal bar that runs across the lid of the machine? Or on the front panel of the lid? I would have thought it goes on the top to be able to look over the material.

How do you also connect the camera? As my computer is on the other side of the room to the laser.

Any advice would be great!

Did you check here?

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Yeah but this doesnt specify where to put it for my machine as where it shows in the picture doesnt actually look down onto the bed as its at an angle so im unsure.

I think you are misinterpreting the text.

I don’t have a camera installed on my machine, but I’ve thought about it.

From what I read at the time, the ideal location would be above, exactly in the center of the work area. (Not in the center of the machine). Ideally, the image plane should be distributed equally throughout the camera’s capture area.

However, since this is not always possible with Lightburn, it is possible to mount it outside the center of the work area.

During installation, a procedure is performed to calibrate the differences in area coverage.