Which laser for tile engraving?


I am after a laser to do tile engraving only.
Basically anything small with at least 100*100mm would work.
Out of the box working is also preferred.

I noticed the following:

Sculpfun s9 5W
Aurufo L1
Sculpfun cube pro 5W or 3W
Or any other suggestions?

Anyone got these and able to do NWT easily?
I mean no banding, no focus issues?

They look fairly cheap, usually because of quality and lower power led.


You will have more control over this than laser brand does.

Single purpose laser? These are very versatile machines. Your list indicates you are putting COST as the highest priority.

If you upsize to the Sculpfun S30 Pro (10w) or the 10w Sculpfun iCube 10w for taking to craft fairs, you can add a lot of other projects to your list. There are other good brands out there, but I just happen to have Sculpfun machines.

Also, realize tiles means image engraving. Images with a laser is likely the most difficult thing you can tackle. Be prepared for a lot of trial and error.

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I already have a 10W, IR, 40W lasers and need a low power one on a dedicated small and cheap machine.
I did plenty of NWT in the past.

I was looking at ACMER Z5 also.

Okay, that puts it in perspective. I think at the bottom of the price range, customer support should be the deciding factor. Good luck sorting them out.

At the bottom of the price range, there is no customer support.

FTFY … :frowning_face:


Yes, at the very bottom this is very true. Save your money and take your chances. I consider machines under $300 to be in this group. There is some(?) support in the $300-$600 group, where they usually answer emails. I suppose the difference is whether you buy from a distributor or a manufacturer.