Why does Lightburn change Content of Data Matrix Code

I dug into this more… FNC1 is decimal value 29, which is the exact same thing as the <GS> character code. So I’m pretty certain you can do what you want simply by using <GS> in your barcode text and checking the “Process Control Characters” option as <GS> is the same thing as FNC1.

Here you can see my input in Lightburn. Am i doing it right?

Unfortunately, I am still getting the wrong output. The DMC is not recognized as a GS1 DMC.

This is what it would look like if the DMC were a genuine GS1 DMC.

Just so that there are no misunderstandings. We are talking about data matrix codes here, not barcodes as you mentioned above.

Oh weird… what’s the app you are using? That looks useful.
It’s showing the data output as having <gs> in the data, which is very much not correct. I’ll look into it, though it will probably be after the holidays before I have any results.

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This is the App i am using:

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Hello again.
Happy new year to everyone.

Are there any news to this topic?

I’ve been on vacation since the day of your last post. Got a lot to catch up on. Hopefully I can look at this in depth next week.


Good evening,

i am also very interested in this topic. We are facing the same issue. I am using the GS1 Healthcare app and getting the same error as Ruben…

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

Hey adam,

do you have any news?

Best regards Levin :slight_smile:

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I will let you know when I do. There’s a lot going on right now and this isn’t at the top of the list just yet.


Ok, I’m back with good news. Please checkout this build:


There’s is now an “Input Mode” option with the options for Data, Unicode, and GS1

DataMatrix, QRCode, and Aztec now all support GS1 mode, plus there’s now a “Code 128 GS1” variant. Annoyingly, based on the way the library we used worked, I can’t just specify GS1 input mode with Code 128 selected. You have to select the special Code 128 GS1 variant.

Also, data input may be different than what you are used to.

  • You do NOT need to include the initial FNC1/GS1 character as it will be automatically added for you.
  • Application Identifiers need to be surrounded in square brackets. So, for example: [01]04068986021866[21]10114644 instead of 01040689860218662110114644

Please let me know if you have any questions or issues when trying this out.


which one is the right one? (Sorry for the dumb question)

The second one. Any of the other downloads with Qt versions listed in the name are mostly there for testing in case there’s an issue with the Qt 6.5 version (which is the one not labeled with a Qt version)

The GS1-DMC works perfectly fine.
But the Font is not working propely anymore.

Edit: The right word should be “Hydrogerät”

I’m going to need a lot more information. Can you send me the project file and the font?
This won’t have anything to do with what I just changed.

This happens with every installed font.
Typenschild.lbrn2 (758,2 KB)
AluminiumDemoDatensatz.CSV (2,4 KB)

This is what it looked like in rl before i installed the new Version.

Your file works correctly with 1.7.04 and 1.7.06.

I use the PreRelease version

It doesn’t work for me in the Dev 9 version either.

I’m looking into it…

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Ok… lots of weird stuff I found.
First of all, I just want to note that your CSV file has the GS1 barcode data in the wrong format… you need to surround the application identifiers with square brackets and then set your data mode on the barcode to GS1. Otherwise it won’t work

Secondly… as for the incorrect ä in your variable text it’s actually your CSV that’s wrong and it was being hidden by a bug in the older Qt version that we were using. Now on Qt 6, it’s loading the file “correctly”. I’ll admit, this is even weird to me and I’m still not entirely sure how it’s “working” on the older builds.
I can even show you by loading the file in VS Code (my code editor):

I cannot get a single application I have locally to load that CSV file and interpret that character as ä other than old builds of LightBurn.

The character you had in there was hex EF BF BD which is not ä in unicode or UTF-8: UTF-8 Tool

The correct character is hex C3 A4: UTF-8 Tool

What application did you use to create that file in the first place?