Windows 10 and virus protection block

Good evening to all. I apologize if this is an old question that has been answered already.
I am getting the following message from within Win10 and have had no luck solving it and making it go away. I am running LightBurn Ver0.9.06 (brand new user)

Virus & threat protection

Controlled folder access blocked Lightburn.exe from making changes. Click to see settings

I have gone into settings and set it as an acceptable program and that the files are safe to save. (Windows security/Controlled Folder Access/Always allow an app through Controlled folder access.)

Is anyone else having this issue and if so, have you found a solution? Thanks in advance for the help and ideas.

Does it tell you which folder? LightBurn shouldn’t try to access any controlled folders on its own, that I know of.

My apologies for the slow reply. The problem has not happened again, and I really don/t know what I may or may not have changed. Possibly Win10 was just not as quick to allow the files through as I expected it to be. Anyhow, thanks for the pointers.

Try downloading the 0.9.07 version of LightBurn again. It was brought to my attention that the application didn’t appear to be digitally signed. We were signing the installer, but because of a weird ordering of our deployment script, the digital signing of the app happened at the wrong spot, so the one packaged in the installer wasn’t signed. This was fixed right away, so I just updated the 0.9.07 download rather than release a new one. This might be why it’s being flagged.

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