Writing coming out back to front

I am very new to this and when i write a text it comes out back to front, I don’t know if it is a setting or i am missing something before doing project Please help TIA

…not sure that this is what you mean, but you decide the order of the layers yourself, see the pictures.

thanks but no when i write something my laser engraver burns it backwards so if i write home it burns emoh cant work it out sorry to be pain

Chris, try this, I think you have your machine set up wrong. If your machine has limit switches, your machine’s origin is where the switches are.

Hi Bernd I had a look and tried and it still happened i took a photo of my device settings and what is happening to show

Have you configured your machine correctly?
If the machine origin matches the settings in LightBurn, your design should appear correctly.
Where is your machine’s origin?

You need to go to your machine settings and play with the Galvo 1 is X, Galvo 2 is X and reverse Direction toggles. See pic.

Oops, disregard if this is not a galvo machine

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