Wrong color selected from Cut Pallet when importing



I have developed an HTML/JavaScript file to generate SVG cutting files from a CSV list for engraving various products with distinct settings (colors).

In the generated SVG file, there is a frame with either a T1 or T2 color code, and within this frame, there’s an element designated for engraving, represented by color 02, which corresponds to hex code #ff0000.

To ensure accuracy, I configured my design in Lightburn software using the specific colors from the color pallete, then exported it to identify the equivalent HEX color codes (opening the SVG in Chrome browser and checking it with inspect element). Following this, I adjusted my HTML file to produce the correct code matching these colors and imported it back into Lightburn.

The colors are mostly accurate. For instance, elements set to #ff0000 correctly appear as color 02 in Lightburn. However, I’m facing an issue with colors #0c96d9 (T2) and #f36926 (T1). Instead of being recognized as T2 and T1, they are being matched to the nearest available colors, which are 14 and 05, respectively.

Could you help me understand what might be causing this discrepancy?

Have you checked your import settings? Specifically the ‘Allow importing to Tool Layers’ toggle.


Actually, checking your colour values against the output from my spiral generator program I’ve found they’re not the same. My app outputs T1 as #E9823B and T1 as #0079B5. These import correctly for me.

Hope this helps.

That fixed the issue, thank you so much!

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