Xtool F1 Ultra Red Laser not working

New to lasers and lightburn (CNC machining background).
I cannot get the red laser to output automatically on Xtool Ultra F1
M114S2 in start Gcode or console.
Downloaded older version (1.6) to try the red laser button.
All options run the xtool with blue light.
I can save Gcode replace line with G4M1000 etc as Xtool guide says and then it works fine.

Anything I might be doing wrong?

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I think xTool devices are not fully supported by LB. So this might just be a limitation. Try the xTool-software if it works there.

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Thanks for the response Melvin.
Xtool doesn’t do text from excel. I have setup a csv variable text to transfer information from excel to complete compliance/serial plates. We will be doing over 1000 per year.
It should be possible as it is mentioned in this older thread. XTool F1 - can you default red laser for file? - #3 by neiliam

Then do it as proposed in that thread?

I can’t help further with xTool devices because I don’t own them. And that’s precisely the reason I stay away from them, is that I like to use LightBurn. xTool is like Apple, everything is fine as long as you stay in their ecosystem (XCS). They did so many changes to firmwares and their communication about this is terrible (as far as I hear). They have no interest in pushing other vendors tools if they have their own.

So, if you want to do batch processing, buy another laser, such that you can use professional tools :slight_smile:


I am suffering the exact same issue. It’s a total nightmare. So unfair…