' LightBurn CorelDraw exporter / launcher ' Thanks to Casey Gadd for the original version Sub LightBurn() Dim answer As Integer Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange OrigSelection.CreateSelection Dim expopt As StructExportOptions Set expopt = CreateStructExportOptions expopt.UseColorProfile = True Dim expflt As ExportFilter Dim outputFile As String outputFile = "C:" & Environ("HOMEPATH") & "\LBExport.ai" If Len(Dir$(outputFile)) > 0 Then Kill (outputFile) End If 'Is anything selected? answer = vbYes ' Assume success If ActiveSelectionRange.Count = 0 Then 'Export everything if there's no selection Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(outputFile, cdrAI, cdrAllPages, expopt) Else Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(outputFile, cdrAI, cdrSelection, expopt) End If If answer = vbYes Then With expflt .Version = 10 ' FilterAILib.aiVersionCS6 .TextAsCurves = True .PreserveTransparency = True .ConvertSpotColors = False .SimulateOutlines = False .SimulateFills = False .IncludePlacedImages = True .IncludePreview = True .EmbedColorProfile = False .Finish End With Dim appLocation As String appLocation = Environ("ProgramFiles") & "\LightBurn\SendUDP.exe " If Len(Dir$(appLocation)) = 0 Then appLocation = "C:\Program Files\LightBurn\SendUDP.exe " End If Call Shell(appLocation & """" & outputFile & """", vbHide) End If End Sub