;Header Start ;header_type: laser ;file_total_lines:29 ;max_x(mm): 238.5 ;max_y(mm): 170 ;max_z(mm): 0 ;min_x(mm): 81.5 ;min_y(mm): 170 ;min_z(mm): 0 ;Header End ; LightBurn 1.2.04 ; SnapMaker device profile, user origin ; Bounds: X81.5 Y170 to X238.5 Y170 G21 ;Millimeter units G90 ;ABS positioning/coords G0 X0 Y0 F0 ;RAPID to X0,Y0 @ 0mm/min [no feed?] G91 ;Relative position mode ; Cut @ 500 mm/min, 1% power M106 P0 S255 ;FAN Index_0 ON, Full speed M05 ;Laser OFF G0 X-78.5 a0 F0 ;RAPID, X-78.5 [regular 3-axis move here and not B rotation] ;ROTATE A to 0°[assumed!?!] ;[should be Y:50 and B:-179.76] ; Layer Internal Cuts M03 P1 S2.55 ;Laser ON, Power 1%, Power, S, as 8Bit equiv [fp] G1 X157 F500 ;FEED to X157 @ 500mm/min [regular 3-axis move here and not B rotation] M107 ;FAN OFF M05 ;Laser OFF G90 ;ABS positioning/coords ; return to user-defined finish pos G0 X0 Y0 F0 ;RAPID to X0,Y0 @ 0mm/min [no feed?]