Waiting for connection... ok [ORIGIN: China] [PRODUCER: ORTUR] [AUTHOR: ORTUR] [MODEL: Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro] [OLF: 170] [DATE:19:08:08 - Jul 12 2021] [VER:1.1f(ESP32).20210403:] [OPT:VNMSLW,15,1024,3] Target buffer size found ok Homing ok ok Project loaded in 0 milliseconds ok Starting stream ALARM:2 G-code motion target exceeds machine travel. Machine position safely retained. Alarm may be unlocked. (Right-click the 'Devices' button to reset the connection) On or near line 2: Stream completed in 0:00 [MSG:Reset to continue] ok Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro Ready! OLF 170. [MSG: Flame detector active,Ambient infrared value:0] Grbl 1.1f ['$' for help] [MSG:'$H'|'$X' to unlock] [MSG:Caution: Unlocked] ok $$ $0=5.0 $1=5 $2=0 $3=2 $4=0 $5=7 $6=1 $10=255 $11=0.050 $12=0.002 $13=0 $14=2 $15=0 $16=1 $17=0 $18=0 $19=0 $20=1 $21=1 $22=1 $23=7 $24=600.000 $25=3000.000 $26=100 $27=3.000 $28=0.100 $29=0.0 $30=1000. $31=0. $32=1 $33=1000.000 $34=0.000 $35=0.000 $36=100.000 $37=0 $39=1 $40=0 $41=0 $42=1 $43=1 $44=3 $45=3 $46=0 $56=1.000 $57=1800.000 $58=395.000 $59=6000.000 $60=0 $61=0 $62=0 $63=3 $64=1 $65=0 $259=0 $260=70 $261=70 $262=290 $263=30 $264=0 $100=80.000 $101=80.000 $102=80.000 $110=10200.000 $111=10200.000 $112=1200.000 $120=2200.000 $121=1800.000 $122=2200.000 $130=400.000 $131=400.000 $132=50.000 ok