1.4.04 update issue

Hi all , I have just installed the latest update 1.4.04 now when I save my work I get this pop up, not sure what is causing this any suggestions ?

What do you see if you ask for “View Details”?

stop santa.lbrn2 (245.1 KB)
trying to save it as stop santa, but can not save just gets replaced as below
stop santa.lbrn2 (245.1 KB)

sorry that pop up window for norton does not pop up now it just saves newer versions as abov

For whatever reason Norton is detecting the write attempt from LightBurn as a nefarious activity. It could because the file is being stored on OneDrive where “ownership” of the file may be associated to OneDrive. When LightBurn writes to the file it’s likely getting identified as a foreign application attempting to write to an existing file and getting blocked by Norton real-time protection.

I’d suggest whitelisting LightBurn in Norton to avoid this.

Also, be aware that there are known issues with directly working with files that are stored in Cloud storage. Not everyone has this issue but be aware that some have reported corrupted files.

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Thanks berainlb, I have not been using one drive as i have my own hard drive back up, but you are probably right as i just realised it’s sending to onedrive, this was not the case before the update . i’ll see what I can sort out , thanks

berainlb got it sorted , now just saving to my [ desktop lightburn Co2 projects folder ] also I deleted one drive from my system as was not using it I . Thanks very much for the replies and help for some reason it only started doing that with the new update :grinning:

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