1.4 Bug when doing Camera Calibration

Pulling my hair out!! After installing the new update, we are trying to do a Camera Calibration and it keeps freezing once we are done calibrating. Once it crashes, Lightburn will not reload. We have to do a full windows reboot and start again. Once we reboot, we can click “Calibrate Camera” go through those steps. Save. But… its off by an inch. Except the center circle, its almost dead on.

Any suggestions on how to fix??

Thank you for reporting this. LightBurn shouldn’t Hang or Crash.

If the freeze/hang behavior can be replicated please click Help then Enable Debug Log then repeat the steps to make it Freeze or Hang.

If you are seeing a Crash, please capture the screen and any error messages generated by the operating system.

Please repeat the steps around LightBurn not reloading as it may be partly loaded or partly running in the background. This may also be captured by the Debug Log.

Complete the restart and get LightBurn running again. We may also be able to see another change after the restart.

If you have a crash log reported by the operating system this may be of use as well.


Please email both files to Support@LightBurnsoftware.com
Subject: Attn:John re Hang/crash reload Forum 100508

This is highest priority for us, so I’ll hop on the support desk a couple of times today and over the weekend to watch for the files to arrive. I’ll get this to the dev team as soon as I can.

Sent! Thank you!

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Got it - Wow!

This is fantastic. Well done!

I’m sending/forwarding now.

Thanks for sending all of those files through.

Welcome! Also, I bought two more new 60 cameras from you, just to make sure it was not the camera causing the issue.

Hey John…any luck?

No luck yet, I’ve bumped the request.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

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