1/400th scale Eiffel Tower

designed couple years ago, but did not get laser cutter until few month ago,
and only got to cut it and assemble it now.
using 1.5mm thick plywood, due to size of my laser cutter, but obviously bigger would work better.

thickness of material in mm / 1.5 mm = scale factor

for example 2 mm material

2 mm / 1.5 mm = 1.3333333

increase the size by 133.33%

test5.lbrn2 (350.8 KB)
test34.lbrn2 (516.7 KB)
test12.lbrn2 (450.8 KB)
test6.lbrn2 (271.6 KB)
test7.lbrn2 (209.5 KB)


that’s pretty sweet. I like it

I like it…Sweet…Are those 4 files the whole tower…

5 files, arranged to fit in 12 " x 16 " x 1/16" plywood.

file 12 and 34 means 1 and 2, 3 and 4. need to make 2 copies of them.


Thanks for that some time in the near future if health permits…

I found out that the old design was rather difficult to assemble.
This Newer version maybe a bit easier to put together.

New 12.lbrn2 (412.6 KB)
New 34.lbrn2 (403.5 KB)
New 5.lbrn2 (553.6 KB)
New 6.lbrn2 (217.3 KB)
New 7.lbrn2 (303.3 KB)


This is super impressive!

Very impressive !! Well done.

That’s beautiful…

3D model files of this Eiffel Tower can be found on Thingiverse and Cult3d, for modification.


Hey Harrison really nice job a lot of work. Are there any instructions on how it goes together? If so I would love to have a copy. [email redacted] TIA

Moderator note: Personal information can be exchanged privately and shouldn’t be posted out in the open. The web crawlers probably started sending you lots of spam.

the blue illustrations are there to show how the parts fit together.
also, you can download actual 3d model of this at thingiverse or cult3d for free,
and use free software like SketchUp Web or Blender to see it in 3d and figure out where parts are supposed to go.
you can edit the 3d model also.
If you have 3D Printer, you can print the foundations, rather than try to build it with laser cut outs.
stl file of the 4 corner foundations is also available at thingiverse and cult3d.


In file New 7…there is a piece called 5…there are two missing cuts I believe?
Top four cuts, bottom four cuts, right four cuts, left ONLY two cuts.

yes, as I was inspecting it, those two rectangles did not move to the location correctly, and superimposed on piece 7.
I’ll update the file, but it can be easily edited.
New 7.lbrn2 (303.0 KB)

Very Impressive. I would like to give it a shot.

If you prefer, there is 3D printable model also.
But probably only works with Resin printers.
can be found on thingiverse and cult3d
search for accurate Eiffel Tower

Here is comparison photos of new design and old design.
New design is much closer to the real Eiffel Tower.

New version photo courtesy of WarrenGlass


3 meter tall version


Years ago I do something similar but wind destroy it.
3mm plywood.


short Youtube video