I had to roll back to version 1.6 Mac version because I engrave between two lines to cut items out of silver plate. On 1.7 when I preview my file the entire pendant gets filled/engraved instead of filling between the two lines I use to cut it out. Either this is a bug or I’m overlooking something in this new version.
I don’t see a way to attach my screen cap image here.
You have ‘Wobble’ enabled on the fill layer, and that is what’s causing the issue, though I’m not sure why. I didn’t think we allowed that setting on Fill layers, so I’m going to see what’s up. Turn it off and the issue is gone.
Edit: This is fixed, and it was actually ONLY an issue in the preview - The preview wasn’t properly setting the flag to denote a rapid move, so it looked like it would fill everything, but it wouldn’t. You do still have Wobble enabled for the fill, which you probably didn’t intend.
Yes I did have wobble enabled intentionally, but only because someone recommended it during the cutout of piece. I turned it off and the preview looks perfect, and I will try cutting one without wobble enabled. Thank you very much for your assistance!
Like I said, it was only an issue with the preview, so if you really do want wobble and fill enabled when cutting it out, it should actually work as expected, it’ll just preview funny until the next update patch is out.