1.7 Update - Origin/Finish positions not working, always out of bounds

May just be a setting I need to change, but with the 1.7 update my origin/finish positions aren’t working like they used to. (I try to set an origin and finish position before starting the program, end of program the laser will just stay where it’s at after “cutting”

And every program I try to run gives me the out of bounds warning. I’ve checked settings to make sure the software matches the machine. X-Tool D1

I found that if my drawings were in inches, they would be run as if they were in mm’s. So, a 14" diameter circle ended up being burnt as a 14mm circle.

I had to change the units of measure to mm in order for it to run properly.

I think this is a bug in the new v1.7 program.

Is there a way to revert to a previous version? I downloaded v1.7 but have not had time to install it yet, so maybe I’ll wait a bit longer and see if there is another update that fixes this issue for the XTool D1. Thanks for the heads up on this issue.

Yes, one could revert back to the previous version. There is a link on the forum, I’m sure someone could post it. Or just search for it!

All previous versions of LightBurn are available in our version archive, here: Releases · LightBurnSoftware/deployment · GitHub


Show all your device and project settings, it will be a settings issue, not a LB issue.

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