1 pass select, laser is doing 2 passes?

I am cutting out objects and have literally
cut 100’s then today when I cut an object with “1 pass” selected it’s doing 2 passes? I don’t think I messed with anything anywhere else, but I know it’s always 96% user error.

Can you give us a screenshot of the whole cut/layer edit window and the whole project… It lets us see more settings.


Check anyway if you have duplicated your shape/object by mistake (alt+D).

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Hi Jud,
Select the shape that is being duplicated and press Alt + D.
That will check for duplicates. If it finds any then tick yes to delete them.


Wow!!! Thanks very much I have never seen that before and I’ve added “alt d” to my skill set now thanks.

Like I said to Rob, wow thanks very much.

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