100 watt mopa jpt fiber laser

Hi, all. I and having a real challenge getting started with my new laser. I have been using LB for a couple of year with both Diode and CO2 lasers. This fiber is kicking my but. trying to engrave metal bottle openers and comes out either brown of almost like a burnt black that does not look very good, not smooth and dull colors. I know it is my setting and understanding of the fiber laser. Just need a starting point.

Remember the Material Test from the old days with the other lasers? Practice on scrap before making crap. That should be on a sign!

That is what I am trying now material tests on now. Just not getting the freq, Q pulse theory just yet… Practice on scrap before making crap. I am making me a sign. Tried attaching a pic but was not letting me.

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Hahaha! I just made that up, but I am releasing it to the public domain.

With all the stress that goes with CO2 and galvo lasers, I am going to stick with diodes. :rofl:

Leave Q Pulse at 200 to start. Brown and burnt usually = too much power. 100W will overpower metals, cut power back and use multiple passes with angle increment. If deep engraving mix in a “White” cleanup pass every 5-10 regular passes.
What lens size? Did you get the galvo library from LMA?
Are the bottle openers SS?

Thanks for the response and sorry for the delay. Need to understand the clean up pass, but my test is currently one pass. the lens is a 175mm i am using and yes this are SS bottle openers. I have a library, but really not sure who provide can from the Laser seller. I will see if I can find. Thank you

Hook up with us on the Laser Master Academy, get you set up with a library that will get you started right.

So as far as white passes, usually up the frequency and drop the power, on my 60W 175 lens I drop the power to 19%.

Run this every 5-10 passes of SS parameter, comes out pretty clean.

If I run this at 100% throws a lot of sparks / slag , then I hit it with the wet-dry to restore the surface finish.

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