100W Reci CO2 Speed Settings an Autofocus/Homing Problem

since my original TopWisdom TL-A1 controller was not 100% compatible to lightburn I changed it to a Ruida 6445G Controller now.

Most things are working, but to use Autofocus I activated Z Axis Homing and autofocus works. Now the problem is at machine power on it homes XY but also Z but Z Homing means a crash because there is nothing under the autofocus probe.
So how can I activate Autofocus function whithout automatic homing in Z at machine power on.

The open door sensor does not work at the moment. It is connected to DrProc and GND. How do I activate that it cancel start if door is not closed? At the moment it works opened and closed - so it is not working anyway.

I addition might somebody give advice to my speed and accelration settings etc? Since I had noch reference, most of the settings or more ore less random.
Only did a “Material Test Generator” Piece with 10 to 300mm/s and that worked so far.

I am asking for somebody to screenshot his settings of a similar machine or send the .lbset File to have a reference. Or give any advice.

Thank you in advance!

Your door protect is disabled. I would have thought if you had read through these, it would have been obvious…

Suggest you lower the start speed, mine are both 5mm/s I believe

Acceleration values are dependent on the size of the motors (torque) and the mass of what you are accelerating. I have removed a lot of mass from mine, so I have higher than most acceleration values.

Seems to me the X axes was about 6000mm/s^2 and the Y axes about 4000mm/s^2. If you get these too high, it will sound terrible, but it’s just the fields moving faster than the mechanics can follow. Doesn’t really hurt anything.

You can keep upping them until it fails then back off. I run mine on the edge at about 50,000mm/s^2… rarely it looses steps and I have to reset the controller and allow it to home.

I’ll give you a copy of my lbset file from a while back. I’d suggest you save your current settings via the machine settings, in case mine gives you more trouble.

blue-laser-machine-settings.lbset (12.7 KB)

This is from somewhere near end of June 21’

Beats me… How well would your machine work if you disabled homing on all axes… It wouldn’t work so well…

I’m afraid that the Z doesn’t know where it is if you don’t home it during the boot sequence. The only option might be to set it manually then use relative Z moves, which you have setup…

Not having a Z axes, this is speculation.

Don’t forget to save a current version that you now have on your controller in case mine breaks it… If you machine is on-line, you can read in my file and look at it in the Machine Settings…

Good luck


Thank you really much. I just took a look to your settings file and did some fine adjustements.
Can you tell me what “start speed” and “jumpoff speed” really do?

I solved the door protect (made screenshot before activate the setting so you are right with that). Had to invert the connector to NO for Ruida to work as expected.

I think you did not understand my homing problem. I am not native Englisch speaker so I am not sure if there is some irony or sarcasm at your text.

Homing in XY on power up ist fine. Homing in Z means on startup the table motor drives it upwards until the autofocus probe on the laser mount gets activated. This is the only way to stop it. I dont want the table to this. Pretty sure everyone wants his table in Z to stay passiv and wait for autofocus etc.
The problem is that for me until now autofocus function only works when I activated Homing for Z.

So maybe there is a option to set only xy whithout z axis to do autohoming on startup. I would be also happy with no axis automatic homing powerup.

I do not have a Z axes, but when things home, they move to their home position.

You can turn homing off, as you know. I don’t have a Z, mine comes up with 3000, I’d assume yours would also with Z homing disabled.

You may have to wait for someone that knows how the Z mode works and/or how they use it.

Start speed defines when power will increase if you use maximum/minimum settings. I believe it works something like this.

Jumpoff speed defines at what speed the motors start turning.

Don’t worry… we don’t learn by osmosis and we make jokes or comments, not meant do be damaging to anyone.


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