1hr to engrave a bob-wire circle

new to this, trying to get a faster laser time when making a bob-wire circle. it show one 1 hr for a 20" circle. the center is open. the issues is the time it takes to go back and forth just to laser a thin section on each side. the lost time is the whole section it does not engrave in the center from going back and forth, is there a was to have it just go around the outer edge engraving in the circle instead of back and forth to each side to eliminate the extra trake time. thanks

Would be easier to know if you could show the cut preview. You can see this by clicking on the icon at the top that looks like a computer monitor. In that window there is a slider under the preview image you can use to visually see the cut progression. It’s pretty cool.

I believe the option you are looking for is “Flood Fill.” You can get to it by double clicking on the offending layer, and going to the Advanced tab. From there, enable Flood Fill. Then double check the print time and path by looking at the cut preview again, the total time should be significantly reduced, and you should also see it navigate around the circle better.

thanks for the info, I will see what I can do. this is the screen shot of the work.

I looked and because it is coming over as a image is does not give the Advanced tab. option.

All that red in the cut preview is your culprit. You can convert the image to an SVG very easily as well. Select the image and going to Tools > Trace Image. After that, you should be able to do the steps above.

thanks for the tips. I did change it over. less time but not the shading you get from the image. I will try it out but definitely worth the time saved I am sure. have a great day!

Is that the preview after converting to vector? Now that you’ve done so you may want to explore offset fill cut type or flood-fill option on regular fill.

May reduce time further.

sorry I put the wrong one in. new one updated. I am still working on it from here and will try the other steps mentioned to get better resolves… thanks!

Looks like you got the image converted to a vector and flood fill working. If you want to engrave again like it did before you converted the image, you can select “Fill” in the drop down option for the layer. It’ll take a bit longer than 3 minutes, but way less than 71 minutes. :slight_smile:

Illumination is always good even if unwelcome. The subject is “barbed wire” even though it sounds quite differently.

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