2 stpper motors on X axis with Ruida Controller

Hi ,

I have CNC router and I am planing to turn this to Laser Machine.I currently have two stepper motors driving the X axis. Will it be possible to connect the Ruida Controllers to two motors on one axis like in my case .Which RUIDA controller will support this configuration.

With Regards,

The Ruida itself does not. The most common setup is having a larger single motor in the rear of the machine with the left & right sides connected by a drive shaft. You can also have the step and direction signals go to two motor drivers, or have one motor driver run both motors, but this can be very hard to square.


Changing the machine ball screw setup will be messy .Connecting step and direction signals two motors is the next option ,but before that do you know any other controller which supports two motors on one axis and also supported by light burn software?

I don’t know of any DSP or even GCode systems that support axis pairing like that. Smoothieware might do it, but the performance is nowhere near what you’d get from a Ruida system.

Ball screws on a laser are going to give you a pretty low top speed. If you’re just planning on cutting it won’t be a big deal, but for engraving I expect you’d find that very limiting.

That’s helpful to know of ball screw performance for engraving. Never gave a thought to it .
Have to setup alternate machine .Will look for some DIY Laser cnc plans.

Some laser systems use a 2:1 gear reduction on the steppers, at most. Many don’t use any reduction at all and drive the laser head directly from a pinion on the stepper. If your ball screws are multi-start / low-pitch you might be ok, but the drive screw itself is a decent amount of weight to spin, which will reduce the acceleration you can get from it.

This is an Aeon laser - most of their systems are steppers with belts, and while they’re built better than a generic eBay laser, this level of performance isn’t uncommon from Ruida based systems:

Mira 40w series looks good in Aeon lasers but for that price point of around (USD2800 + import charges ) I can have 80W laser build myself with the plan below i found in Grabcad. I am not sure what other factor sets apart these commercial lasers.If Rudia and lightburn can give similar performance then why not build one . May be it is complete integration of cooling ,dust extraction,ease of use that gives edge to these commercial systems .

Here is the plan i am currently exploring.Seems only 90% correct

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