Looking for sugested 20 Watt Galvo laser setting using lightburn to engrave silver.
What lens are you rocking? I did some silver tests a couple weeks ago, 60W 175x175 F=254 lens, took over 65% and .002 line interval to start marking. Speed wasn’t as important as interval, although on the last test the faster worked better. I think that is because it needed the laser back on target quickly to maintain heat. . I think with the 20W you will need a small (70X70?) lens and high % power
Test grids 2mmX2mm squares. Tried Sterling, .999.
A Monport F210 20 watt Galvo Fiber Laser
I did a test burn chart but do knot know which square i should select. The darkest or the average darkness?
Look at it under USB microscope Look for consistency. I like the fastest speed that produces the desired effect, but that’s just personal preference. Get done a little quicker. Are you doing rotary or flat stuff? My tests were all 0 degree no cross hatch in case I wanted to use them on a rotary.
Wipe with alcohol and magic eraser, see if it is marking or the dark is soot/ slag
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