2023 Coreldraw "Export to LightBurn" macro upload will not stay; reverts back to "Macros.LightBurn"

Stuck trying to finish the Lighburn macro install on Corel 2023. In the “Commands” > “Macros” tab there is no “appearance” Option to click on.

So I think I did it right, I just used the “General” Tab.
Once done (See below screenshot) it looks to be correct, however I see no Icon on Corel.

Then when I go back into the customization> Commands< Macros to see if it is still there under Macros…It is not. It is reverted back to “Macros.LightBurn”.

I do click the “OK” on the bottom of the screen

Do you have the full version of CorelDraw?

Yes,I believe so

If it says suite, then that’s the full product. CorelDRAW Essentials is the lower level version.

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