3 pin to six pin cable

Where can i but the cable that goes from my rotary to my engraver. I need a 3 pin to six pin and i can’t find one anywhere.

Might have to make one. What do the ends look like?

What laser do you have?

What rotary do you have?

Why can’t you take the Y axis cable and attach that to the Rotary? You need to disable the Y axis to run the rotary attachment.

Photos of the cable ends with explanations would really help.

I need this end to be a six pin

I need this end to be a six pin

The Left-Right move cable is the X axis.

You want to plug the Front to Back move cable to the rotary. What rotary to you have?

I have a longer

It concerns me that you are waving around a 3-pin connector. Where does the other end of that wire go? Stepper motors are usually 4 or 6 pin receptacles.

Unplug the cable from your Yaxis motor and plug it into the rotary stepper motor. You should have received a couple of 4 to 6 pin adaptor cables with the rotary if your Yaxis motor is 4-pin.

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