$30 settings changed now laser burning oddly

hi all i have a sainsmart prover 3018 with the e5.5w variable laser

a user on the facebook group for sainsmart told me to change my $$ settings $30=255

i tested laser and now im getting better results i was previously having to use a minimum of 40% to fire laser now im burning at as low as 4%

all seems well until i pressed the test laser at 5% function in light burn within 2 or 3 seconds it burned a hole in my wood this normally just makes a light appear what have i done wrong is there other settings i need to use apart from using the $$ 30= 255 setting

these were my settings before


these after




































in LB you have to go in edit->device settings and check for S-value max to match with $30, by default in LB S-value max is at 1000

Hi mate thanks for the reply

Has a really weird experience with it so I only changed the $30 settings and the laser was working in its prime 4% power and burning stuff nice I looked in device settings and seen that s Max was still 1000 I changed it to 255 and then it was back to 40-60% minimum power for a text burn

So is it advise to keep it as was with s Max at 1000 and $30 at 255 or will it cause me errors if they are different

To be honest both settings at 255 and 1000 were the same results in power and speed it’s only when smax was different to the $30 I seen a improvement

Yes but machine parameters and LB parameters in this case HAS to match exactly, in other words you can overpower the laser module but you can also shortening his life

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Make them the same. This way the ‘ask’ from the computer will match the ‘answer’ from the PWM controller. Then you can control the whole thing.

It’s like a gas pedal or a brake pedal. I want a range of motion from barely nothing to all-in and as predictable and repeatable as possible.

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