3D mapping for fibre laser

I would like to know how lightburn handles photoshop 3d mapped images. What format to export and what lightburn imports. Is there anything special that needs to be done for relief engraving? Is Substace 3d an option?

Can you expand on what you mean by “3D mapped images”?

If you’re asking about what formats to use with the 3D slice option, it’s a simple 8-bit gray image, where each level of gray is just a different height, and there’s nothing special about them at all.

A simple gradient like this would produce a left to right ramp:

Black regions of the picture will be engraved deepest, and white will be shallow. We have a tutorial in the docs on how to do this here:

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We’ll that simplifies things

Have you ever thought about how you could handle the extra channel? .tiff? I don’t know if it’s a option

I don’t understand what you mean by “the extra channel”. An 8 bit image only has a single channel.

Technically the images don’t have to be 8 bit gray - color works too, but they’ll be automatically converted to 8 bit gray when imported.

In photoshop when you create a 3d image it creates a separate channel at least that’s what I noticed. I’m still in the early stages trying to figure out how to handle this and I’m trying to help someone that has a fiber laser. I don’t currently have one. Seems like from what I read there’s really no prep involved with images since it uses the grey values. I understand that they are 8 bit and I didn’t know about the color images. I knew it worked with the standard lightburn. I guess I was just curious about the extra channel and how lightburn handles it. Another thing I was curious about is how lightburn handles rasterization wether it be bicubic, nearest neighbor or what. I know there must be some limitations on size.

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