3d slicing question

EDIT: Question is for a Commarker, 30watt non-mopa fiber… LB Rev 1.7.06
When burning an image with “3D Sliced” selected, I may not know up front on how many passes to burn. If I start with lets say 10 passes, and I may want to burn “deeper”, what are the implications of a 10 pass burn and then re-burning another 10 or more passes? I believe that if I were to initially choose 50 or more passes, the total “relief height” burning would have a finer, more detailed result than just with a 10 pass burn with a “coarser” relief edge. Would it be best to set a higher pass count, for more than anticipated for the finer relief "edges, then, stop the process when a suitable burn depth has been achieved? I will appreciate any input from other users that may have already crossed this bridge…Thanks Hank
P.S. I have already found that a cleaning pass after every couple of layer burns is most beneficial to the final result…

I’m copying it from a beta section post where most people don’t have access, but here’s the link for those that do.

Let Oz clarify how this works…

With 3D Slice, each pass is thresholded to the current threshold value, and the result is run as a 1-bit image. If you use 256 passes you get exactly one pass per gray-level in the image. Every pixel at or below brightness 255 for the first pass, every pixel at or below 254, then 253, and so on.

If you choose 128 passes, you get every pixel at or below 254 for the first pass, then 252, then …

It “clusters” the layers together into batches if you use fewer than 256 passes, and will duplicate some layers (with even spacing) if you use more than 256. 384 passes would duplicate every 2nd layer. 512 passes would duplicate every layer.

Hope this make sense…

Although the US coin was only b/w, both of them were done using 3dslice mode with 256 passes.


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So, for the “best” result, I would select 256 passes to correlate each layer to that specific grey level and to then, after testing, adjust the power to choose the “burn depth”? Thanks for the explanation here - (I don’t have access to the linked page)… For reference, the US coin was made with what laser wattage and % power, If I may ask? Thank you for your reply…

That’s pretty much correct.

The frequency relates to pulses/mm - q-pulse how much heat you want to apply… The longer the q-pulse the more energy will be dumped out of the fiber.

I thought I could just grab the settings off the project, but I don’t see it… At least done with the 256 passes. I’ll keep hunting around for it.

I have a 60W JPT M7 MOPA. If I recall, it was rather slow, about 200mm/s at about 40% power - 50kHz with a q-pulse of 150nS … This is from memory, which isn’t great, so you’ll probably have to adjust.


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@jkwilborn pasted the entire text from Oz’s posting as italic above.

The “”(I don’t have access to the linked page)“” was just a statement of NOT having access, I DID see the copied/pasted text that was appreciated… What is YOUR question???

No question, I was just indicating the text posted by Jack was complete and access to the other posting was not needed. This was said for the benefit of other readers of this thread as well.

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Hey, it is all good. I appreciate the posting of the data that was not available to me. I was trying to communicate that fact only… For an object burn W/O relief, (3D Slice), the project can be run again for more depth, or, stopped before finishing if the depth is good. It may be a bit overkill, but, I do find that a cleaning pass-crosshatch, after every two regular layers really helps keep the finish smoothe and CLEAN… Now, back to spraying weeds so I can BURN later :slight_smile: