40 w laser not cutting thru, 3 mm bass wood

Hi Bruce
You see on the power/speed test…Just talkin about the vertical & horizontal numbers. The vertical appear to tilt to the right!..is that correct? or is it just me.

They are over burnt and “remember I’m a newbie” not used to settings yet…Could you make speed (mm/s) not Per/min and lower the maximum speed a bit incase laser moving to fast. and increase the minimum speed a bit.

Lower the Max power a bit to see if it burns less and raise Min power just a bit so burn is not to light.

Are you ok with air asst & focus!

Any strange noises when X moving gantry? & Same with Y.

Can you send pic of belts on both sides…a keen eye might spot Too much or Too little tension…giving drag and lines off angle.

Also, the ‘tilting’ speed column and the light lines sloping down and to the right and the test grid seems to start again…Does that show mechanical misalignment, or did you move the wood around a bit between attempts.

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Dakota1, I use a 10W Sculpfun laser and it cuts 3mm with no issues at about 40% power. You don’t mention if you have air-assist on the laser and if not, you may have a dirty lens. So, first pull the lens and check/clean, at 40W your system should have no issues cutting 3mm basswood. I cut 1/4" cedar with my 10W not even at full power so there is something going on but we need more info. Settings? focal distance your laser is set to, speed and power settings, the more info the easier it is to troubleshoot.