5 hours on Longer Ray5 10W - laser power severely diminished

Hello All,

Brand new to CNC Laser fun! I have a Longer Ray 5 10W where I established the test line speed vs power in the Lightburn Material test. I’ve noticed my project recently not being fully cutout from the 3mm basswood stock. the material test on the right is from today. none of them can be “punched out” unlike those on the l

eft. I have removed the laser and cleaned the lens, I have tested with air assist on or off and had the air pump running accordingly. (Longer) Air assist pump) I have uninstalled the laser and re discovered as well as updated LightBurn to the latest version. Anything I am overlooking?

bump pretty please.

The text looks similarly brown and reasonably well focused, so the laser diode is probably producing about the same amount of power.

Different material, even from the same box, will behave differently. Plywood, in particular, can have vastly different wood / glue / junk inside.

The speed may simply be too high for reliable cutting, with the first sample coming out fine because everything else canceled out.

Run a similar test between speeds of 5 mm/min and 100 mm/min with power from 10% to 100% to see if that’s the case.

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Other thing I’m noticing is that the grain of the wood looks like it’s 90 degrees rotated between the 2 tests. That could play a factor.

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Thanks you two! You got me on the right track with the fill comparison on the letters. It was a little setting in LightBurn that fixed it. S-value MAX is now 1000. It was set to 255 for some reason, I didn’t change it. But now it is “cutting” 3MM basswood perfectly at 600mm / 100%. Thanks for the assistance! Looking forward to cutting with the laser at 80% not 100.

Newbe here with same issue and this s-value 255—>1000 fixed my problem too, thanks @OldFans

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