50W FIBER, Looking for simple tutorials on engraving brass that includes:

HI All. I have a 50w fiber. I am used to using an 80w co2.
I have watched tons of vids on engraving using a fiber but am not finding what I am looking for. I find bits and pieces of what I am looking for from various videos and often they are using ezcad. I am doing the usual materials test but it has been inconsistent … plus it does not explain when I might get better results using multiple passes. Or how to achieve specific results as in the image below from Epilog (I am not using an Epilog). For now, mainly I want to do text on jewelry but am not getting the best results. I have figured out how to get darker results, but they have a cloudy outline even when I clean. Or it looks more charred.

Does anyone know of a simple tutorial on engraving text onto brass (or any metal really) that goes from start to finish:
prepping material, material settings (including number of passes and clean up) and then physical clean up once engraving is done. I have watched LaserEverythings and he talks about using oil. Does anyone know what kind of oil to use and is it safe for jewelry?


Hi JJ- I am awaiting delivery of a MOPA laser, and am also a long time CO2 laser user [first one fired up on the last day of 2015] and have traveled many paths, I am old, retired now but still laser and 3d print every day and have not been the same since lasers burned into my soul. I am in Mpls- let me know if you would like to talk and try to figure things out together. Gene