5mp camera freezing

After running a job, I hit update overlay but it doesn’t do anything. I have to set the camera to none then select lightburn camera again for me to be able to update the overlay again. What could be causing this?

Do you run the camera through an extension cable, or just the one it came with?

The one it came with. It started doing this after the latest update.

Which version did you update from, and to? In the settings, at the bottom, you can change the ‘Capture System’ from ‘Custom’ to ‘Default’ and that will switch back to the old camera capture system. Depending on your computer, this might work better. It might also have no effect at all, but it’s worth a try if it is a software issue.

I came from 0.9.13 I believe to 0.9.14. I will try the default setting and see how that works. I’ll let you know if that worked. Thank you!

These suggestions are more for communication issues with the laser, but the USB sleep could affect the camera as well:

Thank you for the info. I change the capture system to default and that seems to have fixed the issue. If it does happen again though I will try the windows advise. Thanks again for your help!

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