6445G dual head air assist only 1th head


We have 2 dual head machine. The oldest laser machine air assist works well, but the new one isn’t.
So, when the 1th tubes output is enabled, the air assist works, but when the 1th heads output disabled (2th head enabled) air assist not working.

1th head enabled = air assist works
1th and 2th head enabled too = air assist works
1th disabled and 2th enabled = air assist not working

Does anyone know what the problem might be?
Thank you in advance for your help.

Best Regard,

We’ve fixed the problem.
The solution is to set the “Blow type” to “Processing blow” in RDWorks. This overwrites the command in the Ruida controller. This is not yet possible in LightBurn. Of course you have to do it once, after that you can continue working in LB.

I hope I helped someone else.


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