The sensor he showed has an impeller that opens/closes contacts. I understand it’s not a hall type, but just some type of reed. So you can count so many closures per a certain amount of volume.
This is what I could pick up from the couple of adds I saw.
Hi Dean 448… know luck going to the men shed less knowledge than me with Laser machines, have to wait for the new sensor commoning from China, can you give me directions to pulse machine before new part arrives, at least i will know this is the problem,. as I said the machine was working 3 weeks back, the water leak was found under machine, and a suspected leak from the flow sensor, was removed, replaced with a new sensor alarm went off, and no pulse. my background is process engineer GM now retired, McLaren had a problem with race car, $5 part faulty… say no more, if you can help with directions on testing pulse would appreciate
So I found the white unit on eBay and it’s a magnetic reed flow switch. It closes a switch when you send enough water thru it.
It’s normally open (off) and turns on at 1.2L/min
So it’s not counting anything but might turn on at a different flow rate then the black one.
To test you would have to send the same flow of water thru both and check if they turn on.
The check is continuity (current flows) between the wires. Use a small bulb on a 9 to 12v circuit. Off is no flow, on is flow.
You could also find the spec for the black one and compare to 1.2 L/min of the white.
The description in the part he posted (15) says ‘flow counter’. I found the same thing on ebay, some kind of magnet on an impeller pulses open/closed…
Kind of moot anyway, whatever he got, it doesn’t appear to be working for him. I did not see any adjustments on the ones I looked at. I found my original ‘pressure’ switch, didn’t remember it being so complicated… or adjustable.
@belfast4321 you can go “Edit → Machine settings” and turn ‘water protection enable’ off. You can probably do this from the console, but I have never gone there.
You should be able to fire the laser. It’s up to you to ensure you have coolant flowing when you do this kind of thing.
I lost the use of water protect on my Ruida, so I disabled it and moved it to the door protection, that I never have used. So it stops the machine if the chiller fails, but says it’s a door problem on the console.
Cheap fix.
Jack if you read thru his posts you would see that the white on did work but it leaked. The black one doesn’t work and doesn’t leak. So he is getting a new white one. White is two wire and only a switch. Hopefully problem solved when it gets a replacement.
thank you so much for your help Dean and Jack, its so nice to get a response like this from you guys, where are you both located, waiting on the delivery of the white part from Shenzen in China its taking forever, must be the Covid thing causing all these problems, thanks again guys will keep you posted when I get my delivery Ciao Sam
I live in Maryland USA. Amazon lists that item for $12.49 with a two day delivery. Some things we buy from China but it’s amazing what they do stock in this country.