A bit of wrap on a coffee mug

I have a gift I’d like to make. She likes certain graphics, and would like them on a powder coated coffee cup. The settings are the same for my 20oz tumb’s.

I would kind of like to burn in those images from around 1/2 of the handle around to the other side 1/2" to the handle.

Can you dumb it down for me so I can do this?

Inside diameter is 81.2.mm Outside is 87.5mm



What type of rotary do you have? What you are asking is not possible on a 2 roller rotary, but could be done on a 4 wheel or chuck rotary as long as you have clearance for the handle to rotate underneath.

Sorry bout that… I should have been more descriptive.

I have a chuck style rotary on a BWM 50W MACHINE

Perfect! As long as there is clearance for the mug to rotate 360 without the handle hitting the bed or rotary frame you’re good.

I would make a frame in Lightburn the size of the mug’s circumference by it’s height. Center the graphic in this frame and adjust for the height placement. Rotate the entire graphic 90* so the top aligns with top of the mug. If the top of your mug is on the right set your job origin to the bottom right corner of the frame. If your mug is oriented left, set the job origin to bottom left. Set your laser head to center of handle, top edge of mug. Set origin at this point. Run your job, low power, testing on tape before actually running with normal settings.


Thanks Man…

I’ll give her a roll when I get some time…

Appreciate the info.

Have a great 1

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Very helpful! Question, do you know what I’d need to change if I wanted to run dual logos? one on each side of the cup equidistant from the handle?
I had a previous run that I could get close but I think I had my boundary boxes set up wrong.
Thanks for the help~!

You need to divide your bounding box into 4 equal parts, 3 divider lines and align your graphics with lines 1 & 3.


sweet! Thanks for the fast reply and helpful info!

Was able to dial in, tape tested and am now running a set for an order! Thanks Tim! Pictures attached of final product.


Looks good.