A few Questions from a Lightburn Beginner

Allright… I just stumbled upon the solution:

Being able of defining a NEGATIVE value for the Z Step per Pass (mm) is apparently a thing and IMHO something that would benefit from an Invert Toggle Switch being used instead more clearly hinting at the possibility :expressionless:

Setting the Z Offset (mm) accounts for the starting height of the Cut - The 10mm I entered are just a placeholder to prevent the Nozzle from crashing into the Honeycomb Bed until I’ve figured out the proper Value.

Needless to say, I’m not exactly agreeing with the location of the solution as I consider it to be an as inconvenient as can per Material Profile one instead of a global Machine one - In particular the negative Z Step per Pass (mm) one which… Like… Who cuts only some of their materials from Bottom to Top?!

I DO understand the need for a per Material Profile need for the Z Offset (mm) ( its Tooltip explaining the need ) but IMHO there should still be a Global one first with the per Material then adding or subtracting to that.