A new gnerator for boxes.py to make a bookend, a hanging shelf, an angle clamping jig and many more

This is a new generator for Florian Festis Boxes.py to create half a box:

You can use it to create:

and many more…

There are several configurable parameters for adjusting the output to ones need:

The generator can be found at: https://www.festi.info/boxes.py/HalfBox, the sources are available on Github.


Hi, please can you explain how to use the sources? They locally on a PC?

In general I use Florians server if I am not developing new generators as I use Windows only and its the most convinient way for me to use it…

There is a documentation for installation on the local PC: Installation — boxes.py 0.1 documentation

As alternative to Florians server you can also start your own server on your local PC by running the “boxesserver” file in the script folder. But this requires some basic knowledge of Python installation and usage…

Can you tell me what parameter to change to make a bookend? I have spent about 4 hours changing every parameter to no avail!
Any help much appreciated

Use the default parameters and change “sy” to a single number (e.g. “50”).
Take a look at the preview (generate svg), then adjust size according your needs.

Cool thanks for the heads up…

I tried that and it’s still not a bookend, I want the back and bottom panel about an inch wider than the sides

you can use the parameter “sy” again to achieve that. Try 10:50:10, omit the unneded support walls and manually remove the outer perforation holes on the bottom and side pieces…

Thank you so much, I never would have figured that out

This is so great! How did you learn how to make the generators? I would love to make some!

Sorry for the late reply.

There are two possibilities to create a new generator:

  • For the first one, unfortunately you need some basic programming skills in Pyhon if you want to develop generators in boxes.py by yourself.

    The programming interface of boxes.py is very intuitive for doing basic stuff. The single parts are drawn in a “turtle graphics” style (see Turtle graphics - Wikipedia). There are also some common building blocks available like rectangular walls or polygons or functions for creating several types of holes.

    Details can be found in the documentation of the boxes.py API (Using the Boxes.py API — boxes.py documentation)

    I personally start with paper and a pencil, drawing all of the parts and adding measurements to each line (like length and relative angle to last line - exactly as you need it later to command your turtle). I also try to include the mathematic formulars needed later for scaling and tweeking the design according to the users parameters.
    Then I switch to programming - I am looking for either a box which is the same type as what I want to archive as starting point for my design, or I start from a simple box design and erase everything I do not need. Then I insert the code for my design…

    Of course I left out the part of testing, finding errors, getting frustrated, fixing them and the hundreds of iterations thereof :wink:

  • The second one is to post your idea as a request to the boxes.py issues page (Issues · florianfesti/boxes · GitHub). Add as many details as you can, maybe a developer likes your idea and takes over the programming part from you…


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Oh my gosh! This is really exciting! Python’s Turtle Graphics are one of the only code things I actually know :smiley:

Thank you thank you!! I’m really excited now.


I hadn’t thought of using it for corner clamps, great idea.

And more importantly, thanks for the operators you have created at Boxes Py. I often see your name in the notes when I open some of my favorite operators. You and Florian are two of my laser heroes!