A strange thing happened

Sorry, I can’t think of a better heading.
I run Lightburn on Mint 22 and have downloaded .01 but not used it yet. The problem I’m having is that the program works well but occasionally when I make a new command it ignores it and repeats the previous command. At best it’s annoying, at worst dangerous. I was continuously framing a file the other day, stopped it and checked the optimizing settings, OK, and went out of the room. The laser fire button self operated and left the laser on but not framing. I was out of the room for awhile, fortunately the laser power was only 0.5% but could have been higher. A couple of times since there have been hiccups when there have been repeats usually on moving items. The left mouse key is pressed to complete an operation and another operation selected but the previous one is repeated. I don’t know if the latest bug fix solves it. I am now aware of it so will take precautions.
Anyone got any Ideas or is it a geriatric malfunction!

The FIRST thing I would do is try another computer.

Change the batteries in your mouse!

We’ve seen plenty of weird behavior caused by failing mice and keyboards, generally cured by new batteries.

Sometimes the device itself has become erratic, so swap in a new keyboard & mouse.

Thanks for the replies.
It’s not possible to try a second computer to see if the problem persists.
The mouse and keyboard are connected directly to the computer but are old so I think it’s a good excuse to to get myself some new kit! I’m in town tomorrow so will get a remote mouse and keyboard. I’m fed up of cables all over the place.
I’ll let you know how I get on in a few days.

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