Abilitare assistenza aria

Io uso una scheda Arduino UNO compatibile e una Sheild a 4 assi . E’ possibile sapere
su che pin viene abilitato l’assistenza aria ? Grazie mille.
Buona giornata…

I did a Google search for Arduino Uno GRBL coolant and found this:

The air assist is connected to the coolant pin, which looks like A3.

Grazie mille dell’aiuto.
Buona giornata…

Sono riuscito a collegare un Relais all’uscita di arduino per attivare l’assistenza aria.
Ho un problema pero’:
Il relais si attiva con M9 e si disattiva con M8 funzionando al contrario.
E’ possibile invertire i comandi M ?
Grazie mille.
Buona giornata.

It is not currently possible to reverse these commands, no. Does the relay have different connections? Often they have both “normally open” and “normally closed” terminals, like this:

In the above image, the relay in the middle shows the wire loop connected to the “normally open” connection, however there is another connection right beside it that is unused in this picture. That is the “normally closed” connection. When the relay is activated, it opens the circuit, breaking the connection. Is it possible that you’ve wired it up the wrong way, using the normally open connection?

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