Abnormal sound from Y axis

Hello everyone my machine making abnormal sound from Y axis suddenly ,and when moving Y-axis manually suddenly stopped with the sound,and Y1and Y 2 moving opposite direction
And notices that sublayer are not aligned to eachother

This is likely a mechanical issue. Do a full mechanical review of the machine with a focus on Y axis. In particular check belt tension and that the pinion gears are properly secured on the stepper motor shafts.


This is not a Sculpfun S30 machine, right?

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This is a sculpfun s30

Then this is more likely one side stopped while the other was moving. The sides of the gantry cannot move in opposite directions begause there is only one motor.

One of the set screws on the shaft running across the gantry probable came loose, or a belt came loose and the sprocket is not fully engaged in the belt.

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Hello i have an xy expansion kit installed so there are two motor forY1 and Y2

To me, it sounds like one motor cable is broken. It was working correctly before? Or did it never work after installing the extension kit?

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I was using extension kit from beginning, everything is working fine since last two days and another important update is i remove the belt from Y1 AND Y2 motor and let the motor rotate freely but Y1 is rotating to the expected direction but Y2 is stuck in the in the middle and start jerking

How does the extension kit work in terms of the Y1 and Y2 motors?

Do both motors connect to the controller directly? If so, do they share a common stepper driver or do these have discrete drivers?

Or is there a Y-splitter out from a single Y port on the controller that connects to Y1 and Y2 motors?

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Hello , XY expansion kit having two motor on left and right for Y Axis and there are two seperate wiring to motors from mother board 17143684110243730982991770165953|375x500

Finally almost found the problem
Notices that Y1 motor is stopping whe the motor reaching particular position the Y Beam so i checked all the wiring harness from mother board to Y axis motor and found that the connection between mother board and the motor is dropping ,a deep examination provide another hint to a broken wiring near to motor

A quick reconnection done and testing going on

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It appears that you’ve found the cause of the unwanted behavior. (Broken Wire)
I will move this into one of the Sculpfun sections and mark this as solved.

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Interesting. That insulation appears to have worn though. Was there something near that it was rubbing?

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no , the insulation was removed by me to check whether the copper conductor was broken or not, when checking I could feel the inside copper was broken so I cut off the insulation