About the Buy / Sell / Trade category

This is an area for users to advertise or exchange services, post equipment or request items for sale. Please do not spam this category constantly. Our forum has been pretty strict about no advertising or marketing, but this section allows users to decide whether to view it or not.

We’ll see how this works.



Is this active yet?

New topic + button is Grey and not active



Well, looks like the safety filter is working to keep the riff raft at bay. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But in all seriousness, it’s working for me

Nope not working for me…I guess I’m riff raff

Guys, we are a small group and working many things. It is OK, we will get this sorted.

Give it a try now - I have it set so that new users can read, slightly less new users can read & reply, and “trusted” users can post, but there are multiple trust levels and I mistakenly assumed that the lower trust levels would auto-apply to the higher ones.

image @LightBurn

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OZ it dosen’t work for mine either