Added limit switches, $22=1 not doing anything

I’ve added limit switches to my machine and then input $22=1 to get it to go to the home position, nothing happens other than in console it says ‘ok’.
I have enabled homing etc in machine settings as per you tube instructions, am I missing something?

$22 is only one of a few settings that need to be set. you also need to set direction and pull off distance in order to enable correct orientation while homing. See also $23,24,25,26,27.

Thank you Jeremy for this input, basically followed the lightburn you tube vid for adding limit switches but doesn’t make any reference to setting direction other than ‘if it goes the wrong way’ then change $23.
Is there another vid you could recommend that may assist me

Here is some info on limit switches and homing:

Nothing comes to mind for video suggestions.

What are your current settings ?

Please $$ in the console and show us $22 through $27

What corner did you place the limits?

Which machine do you have? I had to flash a new firmware on my old one as it was not enabled in the firmware.

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