Adding New Lenses to Fiber Laser



I have watched all the videos out there available on this subject. I have ComMarker B4 30 watt Fiber laser. When I go though the Duplicate press of my B4 in lightburn, I go to EZ Cad folder and get the proper core file for that lens. Also, I have the lens set at the focus level. Install it. Then go to Laser tools and 9 point correction tool. I run that, making the measrements that is asks for. When completed, the dots on the screen haven’t changed and one of them is 4 dots. I have done this on all thee of my lenses(70mm 110mm 200mm) all with the same results. I am at my wits end. I have had the laser for a month now and have yet to use it to make anything. I feel like I have a Lemon. Have contacted the manufacturer, they’re in Chine so there is a delay. If anyone can HELP me please do. TIA in advance. Have attached a couple of photos

Does it work properly with the original lens and configuration file from the manufacturer?

If you’re setting a new lens up, there is nothing to load, just do the lens correction with whatever software you’re using… If you load one, then it will change the results of the alignment, I’d think.

There are a pair of lasers mounted on the head, these are commonly used for focus and have to be manually set for each lens… there is no software to do this. I don’t use them on mine, they are turned off.

I haven’t used the Lightburn lens procedure, but did use the CoreFile2 that came with EZCad2 software. The Lightburn seems to look like the same procedure.


After viewing this video I believe this laser is very similar to the laser I have. two of the red dots are projected from led’s beside the lens of the galvo.They are usually preset from the factory to converge to on dot at the correct focal length of the included lens. If you are using a different lens all the time you would set the led’s to converge on that focal length. I have found the red dots of very little use. One I find the correct focal for each of my lenses I make a focus stick.
I hope this is helpful.
i am including a photo of my laser galvo head

red line show adjustment screws for the focus leds
Blue line is a center of lens reference

Can you turn off the two leds? Thanks for your reply

As Rooster1956 has pointed out … when you put a different lens on the two external focusing LEDs have to be manually readjusted. It’s a tricky process. If you change lenses often it’s much easier to make and use a focal length stick for each lens you have.

On the top of my galvo head there’s a button to turn those two LEDs off.

I have four lenses, and I use them when I need them. The dual diode is pretty worthless if you have more than one lens. They are also very touchy, especially with long lenses. The screw on the hold down moves it when tightened, so it’s a real pia.

If you have a short lens, like an F100mm, you only have a depth of field (focus) of, 1.064mm.

I use measuring sticks like Laser Everything advised. Sorry I didn’t bookmark their video on setup of a new fiber laser…

Mine is between the two lasers…


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