am trying to get to grips with adjust image panel; can’t understand if right click adjust image if I play around with my own contrast, brightness, gamma settings etc then I can’t use enhance radius or enhance amount (it doesn’t do anything), but if use the preset (basic), I can… Probably won’t even use those functions but why… just not understanding is getting me a bit anal!
Have video of it but don’t think forum accepts videos…
Set the Image Mode to grayscale to more easily see what those functions do.
Radius is how many pixels around a central one to affect, and Amount is how strong to make the enhancement effect - you need both. If the source picture is very large you will need to use a bigger radius value. An Amount of 400 or so should be quite visible, so set the Amount first, then adjust the radius until you can see it, then tweak the amount from there.
Is there any way to send a video (I know about the controls, and what they do…
I don’t have your art here for testing.
Reducing the gamma and retesting may reduce the ‘blown-out’ area.
Happy to tinker, test and attempt to resolve this.
I just tried (with a different image), on my laptop and it works ok!!.. will save Lightburn project file from my desktop and take to my laptop tomorrow… like for like, and see if it works there… if does then maybe I’ll try reinstalling Lightburn on my desktop… funny thing is not likely to use that function much, always stick with default… but maybe in future I will want to use, who knows…
Perhaps easier to migrate the settings:
I emphatically advise against reinstalling LightBurn.
Ed is absolutely correct and, reinstalling LightBurn will usually recover the settings that were last used on the target computer. We rarely recommend reinstalling as a step when troubleshooting.
Ok, won’t reinstall…
Just dawned on me, with a bit (a lot!) of help from Lightburn user’s Facebook group; preset (basic) already had an enhanced amount of 250 already dialed in, so when moved radius it worked, mine had 0 for enhance amount so nothing happened when moved radius (apparently enhance amount needs to be set at a positive…)… Doh!
If you look at the first reply in this thread, I answered here as well:
I see that now, I’m always complaining about people just scanning my emails, not on here, but everywhere, and then answering something I didn’t ask, and lo and behold, I f**king did it myself, Sorry…
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