Adjust image not showing 1.7.04 with beginner mode off

I have a test version of 1.7.04 in my 30 day trail… I have an image of a butterfly that i imported into the program then traced and grouped it. I want to invert the image so I can burn it on a laminate to inlay into the original burn. so I have a reverse of the first image. I cant get the adjust image setting to show up… i have the grouped image selected i have made sure beginer mode is not selected. I do not know how to reverse the image because the adjust image never shows up.

That’s because it’s no longer an image. You traced it, which turned it into a vector. Your options are Line, Fill, Offset Fill. The easiest way to invert a vector is to do a 0mm offset of the outer line.
Before Offset.

After Offset.

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