Adjust Power levels on left or right sides

Hey everyone, for work I use a Mira 7 and it’s less than 6 months old. The right side has always seemed weaker than the left especially the lower right quadrant. Now I’m also noticing that the laser isn’t cutting all the way through and I’ve increased it a few times but it just gradually gets weaker. Is there a way to leave the Left side power level the same and only increase the right side? Thanks

It could indicate that your bed, and or, laser beam is not aligned correctly. I don’t know anything about your machine, but with CO2 machines this is a symptom of it.

Hmm ok thanks, I’ll check it out

Yeah I just checked it’s level

Appears to be a CO2 machine. Mirror alignment checking gets mentioned a lot.

I expect a fancy machine like that comes with a decent warranty / service contract. If so, that’s the right place to start!

If you’re on your own, it’s almost certainly a mirror alignment problem. The “especially the lower right quadrant” suggests you should do a careful mirror alignment followed by a “fourth corner” tweak.

Previous discussions along those lines:

Upload good closeups of the marks on the targets when you’re finished with the alignment so we can look over your shoulder.

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