Is it possible to use Edit Nodes or something to adjust the lengt of the lines between the nodes that i have made a circle around?
I want to make the a bit shorter, and of course the one underneath a little longer so it will be 90 degress as they are now.
- Select the pair of nodes that make up the 90 degrees bend you want to retain
- move the pair of nodes either with arrow keys or by grabbing and moving with mouse
When i use the mouse it bends that 90 degress. When i use the arrow key it jumps 1 mm at the time when i hold ctrl down.
Now it is 20.17 mm, i want it to be 20 mm.
Is there a way to do this with the Nodes Editing tool. Any place i can type 20 mm and it will be 20 mm
LightBurn isn’t currently built to do precise node level editing.
There are a couple of approaches you could use for this:
- Create a temporary “construction” line or other shape and position it precisely at 20mm in the orientation that matters for what you’re trying to do. Grab the two nodes, hold shift key while moving to restrain to horizontal or vertical movements and then snap to the construction line.
- Modify the move distance for arrow movements in such a way that would make this doable. Like .1mm for regular arrow and .01mm for ctrl-arrow. This is a bit cumbersome for certain situations but if you have enough of these to do in a very specific way then perhaps worth making the change.
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