Adjust Width of Square with arrow key

I have a Rectangle, and I need to increase the width to align it to another rectangle. I’m zoomed all the way in, and so the mouse grab tab is somewhere way off. If it’s selected, I can move the rectangle with the arrow keys, but so often I need to stretch the width, and the only way I know how to do that is to grab the tab while zoomed out where it’s visible, or enter the size manually in the dimensions box until it fits. Is there a way to stretch with the arrow keys? Like ctrl-alt-arrowkey? I also havent figured out how to align two rectangles together, like right wall of one to the left wall of the other. thanks

Turn ON the SNAP TO OBJECT setting.

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If they’re close to each other with nothing else in the way, the Dock tool will become your friend:

You can slam them together or leave a specific distance between them, as needed.

The Numeric Edit toolbar will adjust the width independently of the height when the Lock icon is unlocked:

That may not be quite what you want if you don’t know the exact size.

You can make two (or more!) things the same height or the same width:

But, yeah, sometimes you gotta just drag things around until the answer looks right … :grin:

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You can also zoom all the way in and set Lightburn to 100 micron adjustments with Ctrl+Arrow

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