Was running LightBurn v1.6.00 just fine thru the trial period, the trial ended so I bought the software and entered the Product key which the software accepted. Connected my machine and as soon as it finished homing or if I’m lucky and able to start a file, it stops running and the console repeats sys.aborts Grbl 1.1f [‘$’ for help], over and over again until I kill the controller and start over. “NO” error messages at all, just repeats abort and if I’m lucky to send a file, it starts to run for a split second until abort kicks in. As I mentioned, abort never stops repeatedly popping up in the console. I’m running a Hobby 3018 Pro Max GRBL Laser/CNC w X,Y,Z controls and limit switches. Laser is 10W Diode “brand unknown”. I tried re-installing LightBurn, uninstalled the Laser Device in LightBurn and re-setup, same result.
AGAIN, everything worked great for a month till I put in the Product Key…
The Trial and Licensed versions are identical. the only difference is one expires and the other does not.
Going with what @gilaraujo said, unplug the laser and try to run the program. If it runs, suspect the power supply. If it does not, and “aborts”, suspect the controller board.
Yes, all hardware came together, I did not build or modify anything. Everything was unchanged and working perfectly until the trial expired and then I added the Key to unlock. Then, everything went south. I was just wondering what may cause the console to keep repeating an abort code. I mean, I guess it’s possible the controller failed, just seems very unlikely timing…
I did try unplugging the Laser, same affect. As soon as I press home, it completes a homing cycle just fine but LightBurn then has already been sending the abort command . If I send a file, things start and BAM, it abruptly halts. abort, abort, abort.
This is the thing, LightBurn has no reason to send this or there isn’t any command for “abort” that LightBurn could send.
For sanity sake - and to confirm its the same - if you are on windows download and install LaserGrbl.
Just connect to it - see if console displays the same.
Well, good call. Did as you recommended and yes, LaserGrbl displays the same thing as soon as I connect the machine. abort, abort, abort.
That being said, now we know it must be something hardware related. “I’m guessing” My whole setup is only 2 months old. Would you know what might be causing this error? I can home the machine from any position and it cycles thru X,Y,Z, checks all the limit switches and completes just fine. weird…
I would do this Mikey suggested. But sys.abort and the fact you get a GRBL1.1f lead me to think your motherboard is stuck in a crash loop.
I would check the state of power adapter and your USB cable. Change one variable at a time.
Inspect the board for any visual damage, capacitors are notorious to go bad on these. Should - must - be something self evident.
Thank you both for all your help. I just got back in town and will try all of these tonight. Fingers crossed!! I’ll post what I come across so we/you and anyone else can view the results.
So, after trying everything, testing everything, replacing all but everything…
The end result was a faulty E-Stop switch! Wow… So my friends, if you ever get this error on your machine, check the E-Stop switch! Check the wires/connections, not just the plug, the soldering!