After purchasing, laser is all over the place

Hi all, new here, so first of all, my name is Olaf and I purchased my laser 4240 about a month ago. Got started with laser gbrl but short after that got lightburn installed for a trial period. Everything works fine, until yesterday…

Yesterday I purchased lightburn and something went wrong, but I don’t know what… I can’t use my laser to get a decent part done… The laser is all over the place…

Perhaps someone might get a look to the Facebook item I have posted. It has pics and vids of the problem…

Can someone help me out?

Tnx in advance

Hi Olaf,

This output typically indicates an issue with Licensing: Where did you acquire your LightBurn license key?


Please contact with a link to this post, and your license key, and they can get you sorted out. If you don’t have a key, you will need to purchase one from the web store here: LightBurn Software - GCode License Key

Damn… I thought it would be something like that… I asked for an alternative way to buy lightburn, because I have to pay just under €120,- for the basics, so some guy true messenger offered me a link… No, there is no key needed, so I don’t have that… But when I want to buy lightburn, again, it shows me something like 56 dollar, and after shipment and taxes it is doubled… So double for an online shipment is quite much, especially for a beginner for hobby purchase. Hope you understand…

I’ll try to contact the service department, maybe we can figure something out…

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